Why Should Self Care Be at the Center of Your Weight Loss Efforts?

Louisa - Midlife Wellness Coach
3 min readOct 3, 2021

Recently, I read a blog post arguing that the diet and weight-loss culture is the antithesis of self-care. On the surface, it may be true. But the author was looking at the conventional weight-loss approach, which focuses on restricting calories and working out till you drop. And she is trying to help people recover from the destructive culture that makes you feel “less than” who you really are.

While I applaud her effort in changing the “diet culture,” there is one point that she missed. She didn’t know — and neither do most people attempting to lose weight — that self-care actually should be the CENTRAL INGREDIENT of all weight-loss programs!

To put it more precisely, for any weight loss program to truly work, it should make a positive impact on your long-term health and well-being. Therefore, self-care should be the №1 priority in any weight loss program.

Now, that may sound radical at first. But it really is logical — especially for midlife women. Why?

As my recent coaching sessions with a bunch of midlife women showed, most of them are in need of a more relaxed lifestyle. Even when it comes to dietary and exercise routines, they actually need an approach that’s easier on themselves. You heard it right! We midlife women are way too hard on ourselves!

When we passed the midlife milestone, we have already contributed a ton to our families and our careers. Many of us just kept on giving and giving without even acknowledging ourselves for all of the good work we have done. No wonder most of us feel depleted and burned out.

What some of you may not realize, is that our hormonal balance is usually upset because of the tremendous amount of stress we have to deal with in our busy and demanding lives. And this hormonal imbalance is exactly what is at the core of the expanding waistline.

It’s true. The midlife belly fat doesn’t follow the rules of the conventional weight-loss culture. It doesn’t give a damn about restricting calories or working out till you drop! So, no more feeling guilty or ashamed about not doing it right even if you follow the conventional weight-loss advice and still find that your spare tire wouldn’t go away.

What the belly actually responds to, is your internal hormonal thermostat. The thermostat is so sensitive that it responds to any small act of self-negligence. And by the time your waistline has gained a few inches, this imbalance has already gone on for quite some time!

The good news is, this thermostat can really forgiving as well. When it senses tender loving care from yourself, it will be equally responsive and do you a big favor — including letting go of your belly fat!

The deeper “visceral fat” that surrounds organs in our abdominal cavity is responsible for the bulk of the “menopause belly” that so many midlife women have, and stress has a lot to do with the accumulation of this type of belly fat.



Louisa - Midlife Wellness Coach

I help women going through menopausal transitions lose weight and live a healthier, chronic illness-free life through acts of SELF CARE built into daily habits.